How To Create An Organized Space Within Your Storage Unit

Are you needing to move homes unexpectedly? On this blog, discover the advantages of hiring a moving company to assist you with an unexpected move.

How To Create An Organized Space Within Your Storage Unit

How To Create An Organized Space Within Your Storage Unit

26 April 2016
, Blog

If you would like to make sure that you are getting the most out of the amount of space that you have within your storage unit, you will want to take a few moments to review the following suggestions.

Use Our Own Shelving Units

Whether you are already storing some of your own shelving units or you will need to buy some to help with some organization within the unit, you will want to make sure that you are using them the best that you can. For example, you will want to line the shelving units up against the walls for a little added support. Since you will not be able to secure the shelving units to the wall, you will want to make sure that you are carefully loading the shelves. Keep all of the heavy boxes on the lower shelves. Then, you will want to use the top shelves for lighter things such as bags of blankets or pillows, as such items will not have enough weight to cause the shelving unit to topple over on you or your other belongings.

Load All Appliances Before Bringing In Other Boxes And Furniture

After the shelving units are in place and the shelves are filled, you will then want to bring in any appliances that you need to store. This way, you will be able to place them as far back in the unit as possible, which will allow you to use the rest of the space for boxes that you may need to move around throughout the time you have the unit. Also, this gives you a chance to fill the stove, refrigerator, oven, freezer chest, and microwave with any smaller items that may need a little extra protection so they do not break. After all, should something fall on the appliance, everything inside of the appliance will still be well protected, so this is the perfect place for fragile valuables.

Make Sure That You Are Leaving A Small Pathway

If at all possible, you will want to make sure that you are leaving a small pathway down the middle of the storage unit. This way, should you need to go in to retrieve anything from the unit, you will be able to gain access to a lot of space that you would not otherwise be able to reach if it was packed solid all the way to the door. Without the pathway, you might have to remove a lot of things from the storage unit to get to something in the back.

With those three easy tips in mind, you should have little trouble making sure that you are able to organize your storage unit in the best way possible. For more storage tips, contact a company like JPG Inc.

About Me
An Unexpected Move

My younger sister married an amazing guy a few months ago. Because they wanted to save some money before purchasing a home, they decided to continue to live in the home my sister had rented for the last couple of years. Unfortunately, they discovered a major mold problem in this home immediately after the wedding. So they were forced to move all of their possessions, including an extensive number of wedding gifts, into another rental home. Because my sister’s job keeps her busy, she knew she needed to hire professional movers. We learned a lot from this experience and I have since realized the great help movers are. On this blog, I hope you will discover the advantages of hiring a moving company to assist you with an unexpected move.
